Willkommen auf den Seiten des Auswärtigen Amts

Ansprache zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit 2024

03.10.2024 - Rede

Mr. President of the Senate,

Ministers, Members of Parliament,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

liebe Landsleute,

dear friends!

Sawatdee krap, good evening and welcome to our National Day Reception! I am delighted that you have come to celebrate Germany’s Unity Day with us, 34 years after my country overcame decades of division.

This time, the celebrations are special. The Federal Republic of Germany also celebrates its 75 years anniversary, and 75 years of its ground-breaking Constitution, the so-called Basic Law. Its much-quoted Article 1 reads: „Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all State authority.“ This principle has guided Germany’s inclusive democratic development, and remains a foundation of our national identity. Germany’s and in fact Europe’s last 75 years are an example that shows: transformative success is possible, centuries-old enmities and patterns of behaviour can be overcome. One of the most potent agents of change in Europe has been the European Union, a truly historical achievement.

As I reflect on my first year as German Ambassador to Thailand, I am deeply impressed by the dignity and resilience of the Thai people in the face of natural disasters, such as the current flood disaster, but also the record heat wave we had in the first half of this year. In addition to coping with these intense challenges linked to climate change, I also witnessed great effort and dedication towards cultural, political and social participation and modernization.

When I arrived last year at the start of a newly formed government, I vowed to do my part in strengthening Thai-German relations in all fields, based on the fundamental values of the United Nations such as the sovereign equality of States, territorial integrity, human rights and the rule of law. It is therefore with a sense of satisfaction that I look back on a year which saw the Thai-German friendship reach new heights: through the visit by the German Federal President, the Minister of Labour and a large business delegation to Thailand in January, and two counter-visits by the Thai Prime Minister to Berlin.

But even more than last year, we also see that the fundamental tenets we share are under direct attack. In a globalized world, no one remains unaffected by the erosion of peace, international law and democratic principles. In our daily lives, we witness the wave of disinformation and intolerance, the creation of an environment where facts seem to matter less than followers. It therefore is all the more important that we, the international community, stand together in defence of these principles. It is these principles that safeguard our hopes for a good and prosperous future.

Before this background, it is of great value when Germany and Thailand join forces to promote the values we share. For instance, as the Co-Chair of the Equal Rights Coalition (ERC), together with Mexico, we celebrated Thailand’s accession to the ERC as the first member country in Asia. Together, we commit ourselves to advancing the goal of true equality, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

So, on October 3, we also celebrate that our two countries are connected through a historic and multi-faceted friendship. A friendship that is carried by millions of encounters between Germans and Thais, from students to travellers, as well as by a framework of cooperation between our governments. A friendship through which we can tackle the challenges of our times together.

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