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หัวหน้าฝ่ายเศรษฐกิจ ผู้ตอบประเด็นนโยบาย ฮานส์ อูลริช ซูดเบค

07.05.2024 - Artikel
Leiter der Wirtschaftsabteilung
Leiter der Wirtschaftsabteilung© Deutsche Botschaft Bangkok

Curriculum Vitae

As of Aug 2021Minister, Deputy Chief of Mission, German Embassy Bangkok
Aug 2017 – Aug 2021Consul General of Germany in San Francisco, USA
Sept 2013 – July 2017Head of Western Balkans Division, Federal Foreign Ministry Berlin
Aug 2012 – Aug 2013

Senior Civilian Representative Regional Command North, Afghanistan
Head of the Branch Office of the German Embassy, Masar-e-Sharif

July 2009 – Aug. 2012Deputy Head of Mission, German Embassy Belgrade
July 2007 - July 2009

Deputy Head of Section Northern EU Member States, Federal Foreign Ministry, Berlin

July 2005 - July 2007

Deputy Head of Section EU Internal Market Issues, Federal Foreign Ministry, Berlin

July 2003 - July 2005

German Delegate to the Committee of Civilian Crisis Management and to the Western Balkans Working Group
German Permanent Representation to the EU, Brussels

July 2000 - July 2003

Desk Officer Western Balkans Section, Federal Foreign Ministry, Berlin

Nov 1997 - July 2000

Head of Economic Department of the German Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine

July 1994 – Nov 1997

Economic Section of the German Embassy in The Hague, Netherlands

June 1993 - July 1994

Assistant to Deputy Foreign Minister in the Federal Foreign Ministry, Berlin

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